New later start dates for several of our supervision groups - more info here

Advance social justice in your leadership coaching

Bring DEIJB / DEI ethically and effectively into your coaching conversations

A head thinking

What are you thinking?

Image representing feeling

What are you feeling?

Two hands representing doing

What are you doing?

Stairs representing how you show up

How are you showing up?

Social Justice in Coaching

Explore coaching situations and issues related to DEIJB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, Justice and Belonging) with colleagues and a trained coaching supervisor in 7 group sessions over 8 months.

This program has been approved for 10 core competency and 5 resource development hours by the ICF.

Self-awareness and balance

No matter your race, ethnic background or gender, DEIJB issues affecting the client or organization could set you off. During the program, identify situations that might impact your effectiveness and how you might address them from a place of steady resourcefulness.

More clarity, courage and confidence

Complete the program knowing where you stand, feeling confident to broach issues at the intersection of racial, ethnic and gender difference.

An ethical, competent and compassionate stance

Discover how to coach clients competently and compassionately to address their personal and organizational challenges related to systemic racism, ethnic prejudice and gender bias.

“In our conversations about the many different case studies, I recognized that I was in the center of every one of them, prompting an intense, at times overwhelming confrontation with myself in the learning process. I was grateful for the amount of time between our monthly meetings to catch my breath, to understand my role, my responsibilities and what I can do as a coach to promote justice, and then reenter the constructive fray the following month. The CFJ group has been amazing in its grace, non-judgement, and openness. The endless insights that happened went well beyond what I could ever get on my own. We kept going back to the wellspring of group intelligence time and again.”

Ann Houser

ACC, Past President ICF Minnesota

“The CFJ program construct, with a mix of genders, races, geographic locations, and professional backgrounds among the coaches, was invaluable. I typically don’t have such a safe space to process out loud and learn with other coaches with a high commitment to DEIJB. Through my preparation, group discussion and engaging in the questions from my cohort, I realized assumptions I made and other options I had as a coach to help my client even more. And hearing other coaches’ cases and issues broadened my horizon and knowledge, altogether increasing my coaching effectiveness. I often continue applying what I learned, given social justice issues frequently arise in my executive coaching practice. Great program! And certainly, expanding my professional network has been an added benefit.”

Ann Houser

ACC, Past President ICF Minnesota

“Coaching for Justice was one of my best professional development experiences. In addition to expanding my knowledge about how to handle DEIJB issues that arise in coaching, I learned to be a better coach by interacting with so many smart peers in a supervision-like environment. CFJ pulled together smart, thoughtful coaches who wanted to think with others about the [social justice] complexities that emerge in coaching. Whether or not it was my case or others discussed, I always left with important insights that helped all my coaching clients. I prioritized CFJ in my schedule each month because it was so valuable. I highly encourage other coaches to take advantage of such a rich learning environment.”

Ann Houser

ACC, Past President ICF Minnesota

Words from previous participants

Coaching for Social Justice assembled a great mix of individual coaches from around the country who shared a commitment to explore a challenging topic of racial and cultural diversity. We discussed real examples of coaching situations that opened our minds, challenged our assumptions and understandings and most importantly, provided us with new ways of thinking and approaches to coach across differences. I was happy I experienced CSJ. May this important work continue.

Karen Delk

MBA, PCC, President, Davis Delk Consulting, Princeton Junction, N.J.

Coaches are taught the necessity of ‘getting out of our own way’ in order to hold space for clients. At the same time, even experienced coaches don’t know what we don’t know. The initial CSJ cohort provided all of us with the opportunity to deepen our understanding of how we – and our clients – may be ‘showing up’ around such powerful issues that remain unspoken in so many contexts.

Kate Neville

PCC, Co-Founder, Inclusive Leadership Strategies, Washington, DC

The experience of being in this supervision group was like a sanctuary I didn't know I needed, a place to bring the dilemmas that were popping up in my coaching practice and all over America and the world. Unpacking what was my part, the client's part, and the organization's part really helped me parse out more skillful moves in this arena.

Linda Bidlack

Partner, ChoicePoints Learning LLC, Silver Spring, MD

My experience in the first pilot of what is now CSJ's core program was so impactful that I was excited to join the board of CSJ and help bring our offerings to other coaches.

Jonathan Sibley

CSJ Board Bember

The CSJ program construct, with a mix of genders, races, geographic locations, and professional backgrounds among the coaches, was invaluable. I typically don’t have such a safe space to process out loud and learn with other coaches with a high commitment to DEIBJ.

Ann Houser

ACC, Past President ICF Minnesota

Coaching for Justice was one of my best professional development experiences. Whether or not it was my case or others discussed, I always left with important insights that helped all my coaching clients.

Jo Ilfeld

ACC, Ph.D., Berkeley, CA

In our explorations of personally-sourced case studies, I could imagine myself in each one of them. They prompted a heightened awareness of my biases, responsibilities, and opportunities as a coach. In the process, we extended to each other grace, non-judgment, and support. The resulting insights sharpened my senses and coaching moves in ways I wouldn’t have achieved on my own.

Lloyd Raines

MCC (2004-2019), Founding Faculty Member, Georgetown University Leadership Coaching Program, Washington, D.C.

Our Supervision Program

Learn with other coaches committed to DEIJB / DEI in the workplace. Examine client cases. Raise ethical dilemmas. Work through personal barriers. Discover effective interventions – and avoid missteps.

Abstract image representing our supervision program

How it works

You will find it easy to benefit from the Social Justice in Coaching program. It is designed carefully so your learning flows from beginning to end.


Apply to our supervision program

We will then alert the supervisor you chose, who will schedule your 30-minute chemistry call.


Confirm fit

Once you and the supervisor agree that this will be a good fit, you will receive an invoice, pay, and your place will be reserved.


Attend Group Supervision Sessions

You meet your cohort members and explore actual client cases and coaching issues mainly focused on social justice. These are spaced roughly 30 days apart.



If you have attended the minimum number of sessions, you will receive a certificate confirming that you have completed this program.

Frequently Asked Questions

How is this program different from DEIJB Training?

Training typically follows a curriculum with differing degrees of interactivity, depending on the training program and trainer. In our reflective supervision program, a coaching supervisor helps the members of your small group (typically 7 members including the coaching supervisor) to explore your work, as coaches through a DEIJB lens. After an initial meeting where members meet each other and decide how you will work together, a typical session will provide time for 1 - 2 members of the group to share a case or issue that they would like to explore through a DEIJB lens. In a final session, group members will explore together what they are taking away from their work together.

Is equity pricing available?

Yes. We are committed to it being possible for all coaches to benefit from the program regardless of their monetary circumstances. The equity rate is currently available to 20% of accepted registrants on an honor-system basis. If socio-economic factors would make investing the full rate a financial hardship and there are still discounted spots available, then please use the discount, no questions asked.

If I pay the benefactor rate to help subsidize the discounted equity rate, will I receive a federal tax deduction?

Yes, you may deduct the $250 difference between the $2,100 benefactor rate and the full and fair-market rate of $1,850. If you pay the benefactor rate, we will provide a receipt substantiating the $250 tax deduction.

Is CSJ’s Social Justice in Coaching program approved for continuing education credits by the International Coaching Federation, EMCC Global or other accrediting bodies?

Yes. Those who complete Social Justice in Coaching: Transforming Yourself & Your Practice will earn 10 core competency and 5 resource development CCEUs from the ICF.

What is the size and composition of the supervision groups?

Groups are kept to no more than seven members, including the facilitating supervisor, to ensure rich dialogue and learning. If there is sufficient interest, CSJ plans to offer affinity-group supervision for coaches who would like to join a cohort composed of colleagues with the same or similar ethnic/racial identity. If an affinity-group experience interests you, please let us know.

What are the rules around confidentiality?

To ensure the group and individual supervision sessions are safe learning environments, all communication that takes place within them will be held in strict confidence by the participants and supervisors indefinitely. Sessions will not be recorded.

What is the purpose of the 30-minute chemistry call prior to registration?

The chemistry call affords you and your potential supervisor the opportunity to assess whether this program and the supervisor’s group seem likely to be a good fit. You might also have specific questions about the process that can be answered during the call.

What is your cancellation and refund policy?

If you cancel your registration and request a refund of your tuition payment, we will refund the full amount, less a $150 processing fee, on two conditions: (1) you request in writing to cancel your registration at least 28 days prior to the date of your cohort’s Initial Group Session (to give us time to try to find someone to take your place); and (2) we are successful in finding another participant for the group. If you miss the 28-day deadline or CSJ is unable to recruit another paid coach participant to take your place you will not receive any refund. If you drop out of the program (other than due to extraordinary circumstances), you will not be entitled to any refund. Our full cancellation and refund policy will be provided to you prior to paying to register.

How much experience with DEIJB do I need to have to be eligible for your program?

Although we don’t require specific training in DEIJB prior to enrolling in our program, it will be helpful for you to have had some exposure to some of the basic concepts of DEIJB (e.g., systemic factors supporting racism, privilege, intersectionality).